RoboCop 2 Movie Review

The sequel to the hit Verhoven classic RoboCop, like many sequels to Verhoven movies it does not involve Mr. Verhoven. This change of director of course results in a change of direction, action movie reviews which has been criticized plenty in the past. But let me just be frank here, this isn't (blog post) nearly the worst follow up to a Verhoven

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Science Fiction Film Feedback

The Social Network (2010) A film about birth of Facebook is extremely entertaining. The actors Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, and (blog) Justin Timberlake are all excellent and the dialogue is clear and snappy. The themes movie reviews of friendship and betrayal are more than being a film about a webpage.

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While I wouldn't say I am a film expert but I do enjoy reviewing movies.Internet blogszombies wearing helmetsOne of the greatest action films ever madeSunrise Bad Movies365 Days of Horror MoviesMillennial Film Club

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